ABOUT THE EDITOR: Rev. Matthew Fenn is Associate Pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church (AALC) in Waterloo, IA. He holds a Bachelor of Divinity from the University of London, and a Diploma in Lutheran Theology with Certification for Ordination from Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary In St. Catharines, ON. He lives in Iowa with his wife Laurin and their five children.
TITLE: Sacred Hours: The Lutheran Daily Office DESCRIPTION: Sacred Hours: The Lutheran Daily Office is a resource designed to assist in the spiritual discipline of daily prayer. Rooted in the Lutheran Common Service tradition, this book updates traditional services like Matins and Vespers with contemporary language from the New King James Version (NKJV). It offers a complete guide to the Daily Office, designed to be both comprehensive and easy to use.
Within its pages, you'll find:
The Full Text of the Offices: Covering the key services of Matins and Vespers each carefully structured for ease of use. Additionally, shorter services for prayer during the day and Compline are included.
Full Selection of Propers: A comprehensive section for seasonal propers, including Invitatories, Antiphons, Responsories, Office Hymns, Commemorations, and Collects of the Day, allowing for easy navigation through the Church Year. This book is designed to cater to both the One-Year and Three-Year lectionaries, ensuring accessibility and relevance to a broad range of congregations.
Three Daily Lectionary Options: The book offers three daily lectionaries, including a flexible lectionary for convenient use, a traditional Daily Office Lectionary, and a lectionary that provides a comprehensive reading cycle for the entire year. Supplemental Material: Including essential extras like the Litany, the Nicene and Athanasian Creeds, Examination of Conscience, and daily collects and prayers covering various needs, making this a complete daily devotion resource.
With this comprehensive Daily Office book, readers can incorporate the rhythm of daily prayer into their lives. This book honors the Lutheran tradition of Matins and Vespers, making daily prayer accessible to contemporary individuals, families, and Churches.