Topic: Thomas Aquinas's Conception of Virtue: A Lutheran Appraisal
Instructor: William Green Date: September 25, 2024 Time: 8:00pm-10:00pm EST Cost: $18.00 This seminar offers a Lutheran appraisal of Thomas Aquinas’s treatise on virtues and vices found in the Secunda Secundae of the Summa Theologica. While much of Aquinas’s work on virtue is compatible with Lutheran theological ethics, there are some areas of tension, especially with respect to the theological virtues. William Green addresses these potential points of conflict as he explains what it means to live a virtuous life according to the Angelic Doctor. ![]() The Weidner Institute is hosting an upcoming seminar from Dr. Eric Phillips (Fellow of Historical Theology) titled Origen and Patristic Universalism, on Thursday, August 1, 2024, from 8:00 to 10:00pm EST. If you are unable to attend live, you will be able to view the video after the live lesson. SIGN UP HERE You can also sign up for the Weidner Institute on Skool to get access to this upcoming seminar along with our entire course catalogue, and a forum to discuss these topics with other students and the Weidner Institute fellows. BECOME A STUDENT This presentation will explain the teaching that led to Origen's posthumous condemnation as a heretic: the Apokatastasis (Restoration) of all creatures to God. This doctrine that undermined and eventually overthrew his reputation in Late Antiquity has been one of the reasons for the resurgence of interest in Origen in the 20th century. We will compare his Universalist speculations to those of several other Patristic figures, both among his admirers (Didymus the Blind and Gregory of Nyssa) and his detractors (Theodore of Mopsuestia), and will evaluate the claim made by Universalists today that this was the generally-accepted teaching in large swathes of the Early Church via the test case of Athanasius of Alexandria.
The Weidner Institute exists to bring Lutheran theology to people all over the world. With deep roots in scholastic Lutheran theology, Just & Sinner faculty is committed to presenting courses that are educational, edifying, and encouraging to laity, church leaders, and pastors alike. And now, you don’t have to buy each individual course. We now have an opportunity for you to join our Weidner Institute community on a platform called Skool. For just $40 a month, you will be able to gain access to all currently available Weidner Institute courses. Some other fun things that you’ll have access to on Skool include:
![]() “As truly as sin and guilt, and the troubles, wants, and duties of life are facts, and not mere fictions of the imagination, so truly is Christianity also a fact, for it is deliverance from life’s troubles, and strength for life’s duties.” - Christoph Ernst Luthardt Part of Luthardt’s four-volume Apologetic Lectures series, this compilation of talks explains and defends the ethical ideas of Christianity in contrast to both ancient pagan philosophy and post-Enlightenment secularism. While apologetic in orientation, Luthardt’s talks here also serve as a guide for Christians interested in theological and philosophical ethics. This text covers both personal and social ethics. With regard to personal ethics, Luthardt discusses the nature of sin, regeneration, and the Christian battle against the fallen nature. Within broader social ethics, Luthardt explains the purpose and role of the family, the purpose of the state and the Christian’s duty to it, and the development of Christian culture. Find more info here.
![]() Just & Sinner's new periodical The Conservative Reformer is now accessible. You can find the site at TheConservativeReformer.com. Our first article is from Just & Sinner's Fellow of Apologetics and Philosophical Theology, Dr. Nathan Greeley. In this article, Dr. Greeley discusses the vision and goals of this new publication. New articles will be posted every Monday. Just & Sinner is excited to announce that we are launching a new periodical titled The Conservative Reformer. This online publication will contain new articles each week on theology, philosophy, and culture from a Lutheran perspective. The Weidner Institute is hosting an upcoming seminar from Dr. Chris Caughey on Biblical theology on January 22 of 2024 from 8:00 to 10:00pm EST. If you are unable to attend live, you will be able to view the video after the live lesson.
The description of the seminar is as follows: Many students of theology prioritize dogmatic, or systematic, theology when studying Biblical truth. In the discipline of Systematic Theology, the theologian takes all of the biblical data, and then organizes it topically. Scripture itself, however, is not written as a topical dogmatics text. The Bible is organized historically, as a story with a beginning, a middle (with conflict and resolution) and an end. In this seminar, Dr. Chris Caughey introduces the discipline of Biblical Theology from a Lutheran perspective which aids the student of Scripture to draw out the narrative themes of the Biblical text. |
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